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Cyber Monday Scam Alert

December 2, 2013

Fake-Louis-Vuitton-BagCyber Monday shoppers be aware of cyber criminals offering great discounts only to find out the designer handbags are fake. The latest cyber scam is to offer great deals and on designer products, only to find out the $200 designer handbag is really a fake, worth $20. Be careful for these scams as this sophisticated new wave of counterfeiters are out there selling and making the items sound like the real deal.

This could put a dent in your designer wallet. Designer hand bags can cost thousands of dollars. It makes sense in this day and age you would find the outlets online. Louis Vuitton and Prada scams are happening on official-looking sites that end up to be fake, but include the right logo, artwork and explain why the discounts are so good. The actual Louis Vuitton and Prada sites are recommending customers to go directly to their websites, not taking any chances on possible fake products, which can also be found on secured sites such as Amazon.

One reporter from ABC News shares her investigation of shopping for Handbags while running across Cyber Scams: She bought a Louis Vuitton bag for $208, which was fake. She also bought a $85 Michael Kors bag, which was also fake. The $228 she spent on a Coach  bag, purchased from was also a fake. She states, “good counterfeits are becoming more expensive online.”

The ABC News reporter contacted the designers and they all  said the way to ensure you’re getting the real thing online is to buy directly from the designer websites. Amazon did say they monitor their merchants and demand authenticity, but with websites that sell luxury bags at a discount, it’s confusing. Look at the website carefully and if you see anything out of the ordinary, leave that website. A few things out of the ordinary include grammatical errors, or if the “contact us” or “support ” buttons are not properly in use, then that’s a huge red flag. When in doubt, leave the website and call the company directly to make your purchase and confirm the sale price is legit.

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