
Apple Investors Losing Interest in Billion Dollar Company

In the two days leading up to Apple’s earnings report Monday, selling in Apple spiked among investors with accounts on SigFig, a financial advisory start-up that tracks over $100 billion in assets among its users. The dollar amount of Apple shares sold

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Fake Target Email – How to Avoid Being Scammed, Again

Target is sending out millions of emails to the customers who had personal information stolen in the recent credit card scam, unfortunately, scammers are also sending out millions of emails. The emails are offering customers free credit monitoring services for a

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Target Credit Card Scandal Arrests Two Mexican Citizens

Two Mexican citizens who were arrested at the border used account information stolen during the Target security breach to buy tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of merchandise, according to a South Texas police chief. But a spokesman for the

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‘Octomom’ to Face Fraud Charges on Welfare

“Octomom” Nadya Suleman is headed to court to face charges of failing to report $30,000 that authorities say she was earning when she applied for public assistance benefits. The 38-year-old single mother of 14 children is scheduled to be arraigned

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Governor Christie Investigated by Feds Over Use of Sandy Relief Funds

As a result from the George Washington Bridge scandal two top advisers were dismissed for their roles and now the New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, faces questions over the use of Superstorm Sandy relief funds. According to CNN, federal officials

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Target Tries to Reassure Customers After Data Breach Revelations

Nearly 110 million Target customers may have been affected by the massive data breach that hit stores during the past holiday season. Target is now in crisis-mode, reassuring all customers the situation has been handled and their credit along with

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Sandy Hook Elementary School Charity Scam

The Sandy Hook Elementary School formed a charity last year after the shooting massacre, however according to their co-founder they are unable to account for more than $70,000 of the money which was raised through a marathon running. Ryan Graney,

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Fraud Alert: New York Cops, Firefighters in Massive 9/11 Scam

New York prosecutors announced more than 100 New York City cops, firefighters and correction officers were charged today with falsely claiming to be suffering from depression and anxiety as a result of the 9/11 terror attacks. Up to $500,000 will be awarded

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Boomers’ Braintrust Interviews Heather Wagenhals on 10 Different Ways to Detect a Scam

Johnny Dean and Dinah Smith, hosts of Boomers’ Braintrust welcomes Heather Wagenhals Author of “Yes You Can“ and the upcoming Cracking Your Money Code to share ten different ways to detect a scam. Heather explains on the Boomers’ Braintrust show how to avoid potential scams and prepare yourself for such fraud.

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Retailers Losing Billions from Holiday Return Fraud

By  Lorraine Mirabella THE BALTIMORE SUN Saturday January 4, 2014 5:12 AM As consumers return holiday gifts and redeem gift cards, retailers will be keeping an eye out for transactions that, in all, could cost them billions. The average person returned nearly four holiday gifts last year, according to […]

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